Trump Surges Ahead: New Poll Shows Growing Lead Over Biden in 2024 Race

Polling firm AtlasIntel has released a poll indicating Trump leading Biden by 5.2 points in a full-ballot estimate for the 2024 presidential election. This is an increase from a previous February poll conducted by the same agency, which had Trump leading by only 2 points. The recent poll also revealed that 56.3% of respondents disapproved of Biden’s performance as president, while only 39.7% approved. Furthermore, 52.5% of those surveyed rated Biden’s performance as “bad/terrible,” and 29.4% considered it “excellent/good.

Another notable finding from the poll is that a significant number of Americans believe that Trump should not run for reelection. In a CBS News/YouGov poll, 72% of respondents told CBS/YouGov that Biden should not seek re-election, and this includes almost half of his own party. These results come in the wake of a poor debate performance by Biden against Trump on Thursday.

In addition to these findings, AtlasIntel’s data indicates that Trump is leading with 45.5%, while Joe Biden garners only 40.3% support. Robert Kennedy Jr., running as a third-party candidate, receives 10% of the vote. Former Vice President Mike Pence has also weighed in on the 2024 race, stating that he will not be endorsing Donald Trump this time around due to concerns about his conservative policies and stance on China.

AtlasIntel’s accurate predictions in previous elections have garnered significant attention, and its latest poll results may serve as a harbinger of the political landscape leading up to the 2024 election.

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