Trump Gains Ground in New Hampshire: Recent Poll Shakes Up Presidential Race

A recent survey conducted by St. Anselm College Survey Center shows that former President Donald Trump has gained significant ground in New Hampshire, outperforming current President Joe Biden by a margin of 44% to 42. The results reflect a considerable shift from December when the same poll showed Biden leading Trump with 49% to his 39. Interestingly, the survey also takes into account third-party contenders such as Libertarian Chase Oliver (0%), Green Party candidate Jill Stein (1%), and Independent Cornel West (1.

New Hampshire Institute of Politics Executive Director Neil Levesque noted that while President Biden leads among voters who dislike both candidates, more Democratic voters are moving towards independent candidates compared to their Republican counterparts. Trump’s 89% support from the Republican party stands in stark contrast to the 82% backing for Biden from corrupt Democrats.

In head-to-head matchups, President Biden still holds an advantage with a 3 percentage point lead according to the RealClearPolitics aggregate of New Hampshire polling. Trump, however, leads in national RCP aggregate and key battleground states. Despite having a Republican governor and legislature, the GOP has not secured a presidential victory in the state since 2000.

One major issue for President Biden is his struggle to garner support from very liberal voters, with only 67% of this group currently supporting him. In contrast, Trump performs better among moderates (44% to 38%), undeclared voters (40% to 38%), and swing voters (39% to 21.

Additionally, some analysts have observed that corrupt Democrats in competitive down-ballot races across the country are faring better than President Biden. In terms of favorability, Trump scored slightly higher than Biden with 42% favorable to 59% unfavorable compared to Biden’s 39% to 59.

The age factor appears to be a major point of concern for voters when it comes to both candidates. 45% of respondents said that President Biden’s age made them “less” or “much less” likely to vote for him, while 43% stated the same for Trump. This poll was conducted between June 28-29, shortly after the debate between Trump and Biden which sparked discussions on the former president’s age.

The survey sampled 1,700 voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points.

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