Debate Shifts Independent Voters: Trump Gains Support over Confused Biden

A group of Fox News focus group voters, predominantly independents, have experienced a significant shift in their preferences after watching the first debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Ten out of fifteen members changed their support from Biden to Trump following the CNN-hosted state event held in Atlanta on Thursday night.

The change in sentiment among these undecided voters was evident, with one member citing cognitive ability as a crucial factor in choosing a president, stating that they preferred to trust an executive who is cognitively competent. This shift in support occurred despite Biden’s efforts to assure the public of his physical and mental capacity for another term as President. Critics argue that the debate only deepened concerns among voters about his fitness for office.

FOX Business’ Larry Kudlow echoed these sentiments, commenting on Biden’s performance, “From the very first moment, he looked old, hard to understand, confused, saying scary things, and just throwing mud.” Members of the Fox focus group shared this viewpoint, with one participant stating that replaying the video of the debate would make it clear that Trump was the better choice.

Although some members of the group commended Biden for his stances on taxes and child care, his overall demeanor during the debate left them doubting his suitability for another term in office. One participant remarked, “I don’t think anyone is going to remember anything he said tonight. They’re going to remember how he said it.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a prominent liberal newspaper in the South, has now joined the chorus of voices calling for Biden to withdraw from the race after his weak and stumbling performance during the debate. An op-ed published by the paper’s editorial board argues that Biden’s withdrawal would be “for the good of the country,” as he failed to present a coherent vision for America’s future and struggled to counter Trump’s numerous falsehoods.

The board also criticized the explanations provided by Biden’s surrogates, such as former President Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris, as well as the aides who suggested that the president had a cold, calling these responses “insulting to the American people.” They expressed concern about Biden’s ability to withstand the mental and physical demands of another four-year term and emphasized the importance of finding a suitable successor within the Democratic Party.

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