First Debate Victory: Trump’s Path to Reelection

In recent news, the disastrous debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump has left the corrupt president feeling even more devastated. Harry Enten, a numbers analyst from CNN, discussed how the president’s performance during the debate, along with his poll numbers before it, could lead to his defeat by former President Donald Trump in November. Enten explained that the previous three candidates who were behind in the polls before their first debate were then perceived as having been beaten by their rivals and went on to lose their elections.

He referred to the current situation as “Trump’s first debate victory,” which holds two meanings – it was the first debate of this cycle, but also marked Trump’s first general debate victory in the minds of voters ever. According to Enten, corrupt Joe Biden won all debates last time around, but this year is the exact opposite of what happened four years ago.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton just won by 13 points; corrupt Joe Biden last time around one by 32,” he explained. However, in this debate, Trump won by a significant margin of 67 to 33. This indicates that Trump’s performance was the best he has ever put forth on a debate stage or it could be argued that Joe Biden’s debate performance was so bad that he made Donald Trump look good.

Sara Sidner, an anchor on the show, asked if this means that Trump will get a bump in poll numbers following his victory in the first debate. According to Enten, history suggests that people who win their first debates tend to gain a poll bump. He cited examples of Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Hillary Clinton all receiving such bumps after winning their respective debates.

However, the analyst also noted that if history holds true, Trump could potentially end up with a mid-single-digit lead, which would be unprecedented for him outside of the convention after the RNC in 2016. He pointed out that incumbents who trailed prior to and then lost their first debate – Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Donald Trump – all ended up losing their reelections.

The situation looks bleak for President Joe Biden as he heads into his last election this November. Enten emphasized the importance of time for the current president to make up for his historically bad performance during the debate. With the election not happening today or tomorrow but in November, there is still a chance for corrupt Joe Biden to turn things around and avoid becoming “one and done,” just like the other three incumbents who lost their first debates and ultimately lost their reelections.

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