DOJ Takes Unprecedented Action Against Pro-Life Advocates Under FACE Act

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a civil lawsuit against five pro-life advocates on June 20 in the Middle District of Florida, alleging violations under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. This law aims to prevent interfering with women entering abortion clinics and is enforced by the DOJ. The civil suit seeks a monetary penalty and an injunction preventing repeat offenders from continuing their activity, marking a departure from criminal cases that have been brought to prosecute violators of the FACE Act in recent years.

The complaint alleges that the five defendants trespassed onto a reproductive health center’s property, blocked the entrances, and temporarily stopped operations at the Fort Myers Health Center, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. The civil suit asks for a penalty of $20,516 for first violations and no more than $30,868 for subsequent violations, plus damages of $5,000 for each person allegedly aggrieved by the defendants.

Stephen Crampton, senior counsel for Thomas More Society, will represent some of the defendants, who have been advised not to make statements about the case. Mr. Crampton expressed disappointment that the DOJ has decided to relentlessly pursue peaceful, nonviolent demonstrators and seek civil penalties in this case.

The defendants were charged locally in Lee County and found guilty for their actions on January 27, 2022. Several pro-life minors were also arrested for the incident and charged locally with trespassing. The DOJ alleges that these defendants have violated the FACE Act by blocking doors and intimidating women and abortion workers, and are likely to continue committing such violations in the future.

It is unclear how many people the DOJ is counting as aggrieved in this incident. The DOJ did not respond to a request for comment.

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