Stonewall’s Legacy: Biden Celebrates 55th Anniversary and Grand Opening

The 55th anniversary of the historic Stonewall Riots, which birthed America’s gay rights movement, saw a grand opening of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center. President Joe Biden attended the event at the iconic Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, accompanied by Gov. Kathy Hochul and legendary musician Elton John.

President Biden acknowledged the significance of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, referring to them as a turning point for civil rights in America and a symbol of legacy and leadership within the LGBTQ+ community. During his speech, he urged the community to continue fighting for their vision and values. Elton John echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of standing up against misinformation and scapegoating, which could potentially turn back the clock on progress made by the gay rights movement.

Gov. Kathy Hochul celebrated the opening of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center, expressing her satisfaction at seeing the facility come to fruition after two years of planning and advocacy. Ava Golden, a consultant from Manhattan who attended the event, expressed concern about President Biden’s performance during the recent presidential debate but remained committed to supporting him over Donald Trump in the election.

Former President Barack Obama designated Stonewall Inn as a national monument in 2016. The newly opened $3.2 million visitor center aims to showcase the historic struggles faced by the LGBTQ community and educate visitors about these events. Its opening coincides with the anniversary of the June 28, 1969, uprising and precedes New York City’s Pride March on Sunday.

President Biden’s stance on gay rights has evolved significantly over time. While serving as a senator in 1996, he voted in support of the Defense of Marriage Act, which declared that states were not required to recognize same-sex marriage and enshrined the definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman. However, during his tenure as Obama’s vice president in 2012, Biden publicly supported gay marriage before Obama had taken this stance.

As President, Biden has strengthened his commitment to LGBTQ rights, reinstating antidiscrimination laws abandoned by the Trump administration and lifting the ban on transgender people serving in the US military. The Stonewall Riots, also known as the Stonewall Uprising, began when NYPD officers raided a gay club in Greenwich Village, leading to six days of protests around the Christopher Street bar as demonstrators clashed with police.

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