Biden’s Border Policies Put American Women at Risk

Building America’s Future (BAF), a conservative nonprofit organization, has announced that it will be airing an advertisement blaming recent high-profile murders of American women on corrupt president Biden’s border policies during CNN’s Thursday night debate, the year’s first, between the incumbent and former President Donald Trump.

The one-minute ad features a female narrator who speaks about the arrests of illegal immigrants accused in the murders of young women such as Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old Maryland woman who was raped and killed in Bel Air by an alleged murderer named Victor Martinez Hernandez.

Illegal immigrant Victor Hernandez: He was wanted for murder, but Biden let him in. Now he’s charged with raping and beating Rachel Morin, mother of five, to death.” The advertisement goes on to highlight the fact that Biden’s border policies have allowed immigrants like Martinez Hernandez into the country despite their criminal records.

The ad will run in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—all critical swing states in the presidential election. Building America’s Future previously accused CNN of refusing to run a similar spot, focused on the murder of Georgia woman Laken Riley, during Biden’s last State of the Union address.

The ad is a harsh indictment of Biden that attempts to appeal to both female and swing-state voters. The advertisement will run in critical swing states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the incumbent president’s support is particularly strong.

Building America’s Future has previously accused CNN of refusing to run a similar spot during Biden’s last State of the Union address. During that speech, Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene heckled Biden by demanding he “say her name,” referring to Laken Riley, who was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant in Georgia.

The organization is hosting a series of events in Pennsylvania this week to highlight the issue.

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