A Scientist’s Perspective on the Lab Leak Myth

In his recent memoir, Dr. Anthony Fauci contradicts his own testimony before Congress by claiming that those who argue the COVID-19 pandemic stemmed from a lab leak in Wuhan, China are promoting a “conspiracy theory.” Fauci claims that there is no evidence to support this theory, but recent findings suggest otherwise. In fact, two scientific experts testified before another Senate committee that evidence points to the experiments at the Wuhan lab as the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The US intelligence community confirmed in a June 2023 report that the lab did research on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army “to enhance China’s knowledge of pathogens and early disease warning capabilities for defensive and biosecurity needs of the military.” The NIH, which oversees NIAID, awarded more than $500,000 to EcoHealth between 2014 and 2020 that was funneled toward risky viral research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The WIV has since been barred for the next 10 years from receiving US funding, and EcoHealth has been suspended and proposed for debarment based on failing to report on or explain why the research, which  “likely violated protocols of the NIH regarding biosafety,” was not gain-of-function.

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