Waste Management Company Facing Violations Awarded Contracts in New York City

The waste management industry has long been a subject of controversy and concern due to the reckless practices of some companies. One such company, Cogent Waste Solutions, has found itself in the spotlight over the past few years after racking up hundreds of violations and being investigated for its alleged role in at least one fatal car crash. Despite this, the city continues to allow Cogent to operate within its boundaries.

Cogent Waste Solutions has been involved in multiple lawsuits since 2021, with accusations ranging from driver recklessness to overcharging customers and falsifying records. This has raised questions about why the company is still being granted operating licenses, as highlighted by Councilman Shaun Abreu during a recent hearing.

The private waste carting industry in New York City plays a significant role in managing waste for over 100,000 businesses across the city. However, concerns have been raised about the safety of these practices, their environmental impact, and the quality of customer service provided by some companies. To address these issues, the council established 20 commercial waste zones in 2019, each with designated carters authorized to operate under strict safety, customer service, and labor condition standards.

Cogent was recently awarded contracts to continue collecting waste from city businesses, despite ongoing investigations into its reckless practices. Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso expressed frustration at Cogent’s selection for a contract, as he played a role in designing the commercial waste reform bill specifically intended to address issues with companies like Cogent.

One of the most alarming incidents involving Cogent drivers occurred earlier this year when a driver allegedly made an illegal U-turn and fatally struck another driver in southern Brooklyn. An investigation into this matter is still ongoing, and it highlights the safety concerns raised by some industry practices. Additionally, Cogent truck drivers have been involved in six crashes over the past two years, resulting in one death and four injuries.

Cogent has also faced multiple lawsuits since 2021 for allegedly overcharging customers on nearly 5,000 occasions from March 2020 through December 2022. These instances add up to approximately $193,000 in overcharges, and the Business Integrity Commission (BIC) is seeking close to $48 million in damages. So far, Cogent has settled $500,000 with BIC – the largest sum paid for a violation to the commission.

The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) emphasizes that their hands are currently tied due to ongoing investigations into the breaches made by Cogent. However, new legislation does provide the department with significant regulatory authority, which they are not afraid to use if necessary. Under the waste zone program rules, DSNY is allowed to terminate a hauler’s contract if its employees are implicated in criminal offenses or if the BIC revokes its license.

To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws, an independent monitor has been appointed to oversee Cogent’s operations – former NYPD Internal Affairs Deputy Commissioner Walter Mack. Mack will also have authority over New York Recycling Solutions, which operates in Midtown South and Lower Manhattan zones alongside Cogent.

Despite the numerous controversies surrounding Cogent Waste Solutions, it remains unclear what action, if any, the city will take to address its reckless practices and ensure public safety while managing waste for over 100,000 businesses across New York City.

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