Changing Teams: Sheriff Urges Support for Convicted Felon Trump

A prominent conservative California sheriff has humorously suggested that the state’s political climate might lead him to “change teams” ahead of the 2024 election. In a social media post, Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco joked about supporting a “convicted felon,” referencing former President Trump, who was convicted on 34 felony counts in New York last week. This marked the first time a U.S. president has been convicted of a felony.

Bianco, who has considered running for governor of California, expressed frustration with the state’s direction towards what he perceives as pro-criminal policies and actions. He criticized Governor Gavin Newsom for slashing budgets from corrections, releasing prisoners early, and closing prisons. Bianco also took issue with the state legislature for passing laws that make it harder to put people in prison and changing laws to release inmates early. Furthermore, he accused the attorney general of not caring about crime.

The sheriff argued that California’s leaders have a “love affair” with criminals based on the belief that they are not responsible for their actions but rather are victims of society, businesses, or law enforcement. He stated that these officials blame the judicial system, laws, and police for being “systemically racist,” leading to criminals being put in jail due to bias. However, Bianco noted that instead of imprisoning them, they now provide housing, money, and drugs or alcohol to criminals.

Tired of the situation, the sheriff humorously suggested that he may change teams and support a convicted felon for president in 2024. He sarcastically commented that maybe the state’s current approach is working, but not enough. In conclusion, Bianco jokingly endorsed Trump for the 2024 presidential election, calling for a return to making America great again.

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