Back to basics: Home movie nights and VHS revival in Millennials’ cellar-turned-video store

The resurgence of VHS tapes as a cherished collectible has seen enthusiasts transforming their basements into private video rental stores. VHS aficionados Anthony Sant’Anselmo and Aaron Gullett have created detailed homages to the nostalgic era of brick-and-mortar video stores, complete with neon lights, promotional cardboard cutouts, and even restricted adult sections.

Sant’Anselmo, a screenwriter based in Atlanta, spent around $5000 transforming his basement into “Mondo Video,” amassing over 20,000 VHS tapes and inspiring Gullett, a lawyer from Columbus, Ohio, to create his own video store replica. Both men have searched extensively for authentic video store racks, antique signage from shuttered video shops, and gathered an impressive collection of over 2,000 tapes procured from thrift stores worldwide.

The passion for VHS collecting extends beyond these two enthusiasts, as a slow but steady resurgence in the popularity of the medium has taken hold among Gen Xers, millennials, and even some Gen Zers. This renewed interest has led to video tape buffs scouring sites like eBay and local thrift stores for rare tapes and still-working VCRs before sharing their finds on social media platforms like Reddit and Facebook.

While big-budget films such as “Titanic” are easy to find, underground and cult classic films have limited VHS runs, making them highly sought after by collectors. The appeal of VHS collecting is partly due to the physicality of the format – people enjoy having tangible items that look and feel good in their hands – but also because it offers a nostalgic connection to simpler times for Gen Xers and an exciting glimpse into the past for younger generations.

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