Greene’s failure to unseat Johnson exposes GOP divisions, prompting bipartisan support for speaker

Former President Donald Trump advised Rep.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of his strongest supporters, to refrain from her attempt to remove Mike Johnson on Wednesday.

Defending Greene, he stated that the time is not right for her motion and requested Republicans to vote in favor of tabling the motion, despite the fact that the post was made after the vote to table had taken place.

Trump expressed his admiration for Greene by saying, “I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene.

She’s got Spirit, she’s got Fight, and I believe she’ll be around, and on our side, for a long time to come.” He further elaborated that with a majority of one, which is expected to grow to three or four soon, they are not in a position to vote on a Motion to Vacate.

Although he acknowledged that this situation may change at some point in the future, he emphasized that it is not the right time for such action.

Trump continued by expressing his concern that such actions could lead to further division within the Republican party and advised Republicans to focus on winning elections instead of internal conflicts.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s motion aimed at removing Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, due to her dissatisfaction with some of his decisions, including supporting a foreign aid package without border security.

Despite Greene’s efforts, Trump publicly supported Johnson and highlighted the challenges of operating under a one-vote majority in the House.

In a recent phone call, Trump advised Greene to back off from her attempt to remove Johnson.

However, Greene did not reveal any details about their conversation.

She mentioned that she has fantastic conversations with Trump but chose not to share further information on the matter.

The motion by Marjorie Taylor Greene gained some attention, prompting discussions among Republicans about whether it was a wise move or not.

Some questioned why Johnson would negotiate with his biggest GOP antagonist, while others supported her efforts to hold the Speaker accountable for his decisions.

Despite these internal conflicts, Trump urged Republicans to focus on winning elections and avoid further division within the party.

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