The Last Stand of a Former VP: Trump’s Lead Grows as Biden Falls Behind

A new CNN/SSRS poll shows Donald Trump maintaining a slight edge over Joe Biden in polls for the 2024 election, with Trump increasing his lead to 6% with just over six months until the November general elections. According to the survey conducted April 18-23 and released on Sunday, Trump is ahead with 49% of the vote to Biden’s 43. This marks a steadily widening gap from head-to-head results of the same survey conducted in recent years.

Meanwhile, another poll released by Gallup shows that compared to other presidents at this point in their term, Biden is the least popular commander-in-chief in the last seven decades. With an approval rating of just 38.7% through the first quarter of 2024, Biden ranks below even Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, who were both widely unpopular during their fourth year in office.

The CNN/SSRS poll also found that 60% of Americans surveyed disapprove of Biden’s job as president. In contrast, Trump maintained his support among registered voters at 49%, compared to the president’s 45. The hypothetical general election matchup in August 2023 showed Trump and Biden separated by just 1 percentage point (47% to 46.

Both Trump and Biden have already earned the number of delegates needed by their respective parties to earn the nomination, setting the stage for a rematch of the 2020 election that many voters said they did not want. After the conventions over the summer, the two will solidify their nominations for president and head into a heated race for a seat behind the Resolute Desk.

It’s worth noting that according to Gallup’s polling history, there has never been a president who returned to the White House for a second term with approval ratings as low as Biden’s. His ranking falls within the bottom 12% of presidential quarters spanning back to 1945.

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