Beloved Firefighter’s Death Leaves Family with Nothing After Heartbreaking Budget Cuts

The devastating story of a New York City firefighter who was fired by the department just four months prior to his death at age 36 has left his family reeling without any income. Derek Floyd, a former Marine with three tours in the Middle East, had been a firefighter for four years before being let go as part of a budget crunch to fund migrant services. His firing came days before Christmas, leaving his grieving widow and two young children facing financial uncertainty.

Floyd’s death on April 15 has now left his family without any income, with his wife revealing that they are struggling to make ends meet. The city’s decision to fire Floyd means that his family is ineligible for $600,000 in death benefits they would have received if he hadn’t been let go.

Long-term duty can mean a firefighter was either injured on the job and given office work, or is out sick for an extended period of time. In Floyd’s case, he had been working in the chaplain’s office after suffering an earlier heart attack in 2019 while still in the Fire Academy. He was on the path to becoming medically cleared in order to re-enter the force as a firefighter.

Before joining New York’s Bravest, Floyd served as a Marine and had found work with a non-profit that helps veterans after being fired by the FDNY. However, the pay was much less than his previous job, there were limited medical benefits, and he was not able to spend as much time with his children.

The Uniformed Firefighter Association President Andrew Ansbro has criticized the department’s decision to fire Floyd, saying it was “absolutely unnecessary” and that the FDNY is understaffed by hundreds of firefighters. Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh has expressed condolences for Floyd’s family and says the department will explore all financial, legal and legislative options to help.

Floyd’s widow, Cristine, has spoken publicly about her husband’s struggles to make a living after being fired from the FDNY. He used to be so present for our kids and stuff,” she said. Being a firefighter was something he was really passionate about. He was really a big-time, like, family person, he was all about his kids.” She added that watching him struggle to make a living while trying to be present with their children was hard.

The tragic story of Derek Floyd serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact that budget cuts can have on families and first responders.

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