The Former Trump Critic Casts Her Vote for the 45th President

Megyn Kelly has revealed that she voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. The host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” recalled her internal struggle before the 2020 election and emphasized her reservations about supporting the former president.

“I had a long contentious relationship with Donald Trump, you may be aware,” she said on Friday’s episode of the show. “And going into 2020, I didn’t know whether I can pull the lever for him. I really didn’t.”
Kelly explained that the world had shifted under her feet, with the rise of DEI and “trans ideology nonsense” being “shoved down” her own kids’ throats at school. She said she “really wrestled with it.”
However, when she saw that President Joe Biden released changes to Title IX – the 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded school programs – she was “horrified” and relieved that she doesn’t have “blood on her hands.”

“I voted for Donald Trump to prevent things like this,” she said. Kelly continued to slam Biden’s new Title IX changes, arguing that they are detrimental to women’s rights, due process, and free speech on college campuses.
“What happened today, and when I saw the news on what Joe Biden just did to women’s rights, and Title IX and due process for young men on college campuses and free speech, I was horrified. And my second reaction was at least I don’t have this blood on my hands,” said Kelly.
Under the new rules, in-person, court-like proceedings for allegations of sexual assault — including cross-examination of alleged victims — are no longer required. Kelly expressed her outrage, saying, “I’m ashamed of him! I’m disgusted at you, Miguel Cardona! Shame on you!”

Kelly argued that the changes to Title IX will allow “men posing as women” to enter women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, and that their “erections” will be visible to college-age women. She said, “There’s no way in hell I will vote for Joe Biden or anyone who supports this abomination.”
Instead, Kelly said she would vote for either Donald Trump or Robert F. Kennedy Jr., though she acknowledged that Kennedy is “kind of weak” on the issue. She urged her audience to “not comply” with the new rules and to “protect your daughters” and “protect your sons.”
Earlier this week, Kelly also slammed Trump’s ongoing hush money trial, describing it as “disgraceful” and a “humiliation to the United States.” She said the charges, which center on $130,000 in payments that Trump’s company made to his then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, broke a 250-year precedent and were an example of the legal system being used against an ex-president in what was a “humiliation” of the country “like she is a whore.”

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