Negligence and Tragedy: Illinois Prisoner Review Board Member Resigns After Releasing Violent Offender Who Killed 11-Year-Old Boy

A member of the Illinois Prisoner Review Board who failed to properly evaluate the release of a dangerous criminal has resigned after the man went on to commit a horrific crime. LeAnn Miller, who conducted the hearing for Crosetti Brand, allowed him to walk free despite his extensive criminal record for domestic violence. Just one day after his release, Brand allegedly killed an 11-year-old boy and seriously injured his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Brand, a convicted felon serving a 16-year sentence for home invasion and aggravated assault, was granted parole early under Miller’s oversight. This decision is a clear failure on the part of the Prisoner Review Board to ensure the safety of the public. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker acknowledged this failure and expressed his commitment to preventing such tragedies from happening again.

The brutal attack took place in Chicago, where Brand broke into the home of Laterria Smith, his ex-girlfriend from more than 15 years ago. Despite having an order of protection against him, Brand had been sending threatening text messages to Smith and even showed up at her home. This pattern of behavior should have been a red flag to the Prisoner Review Board, but they failed to consider the evidence properly.

It is concerning that Brand was released with electronic monitoring, as this clearly did not prevent him from committing this heinous act. The fact that he was previously sent back to prison for violating the conditions of his parole should have raised further doubts about his ability to reintegrate into society. Yet, the board made the decision to parole him again, ultimately leading to the tragic death of young Jayden Perkins.

Governor Pritzker has rightly called for a review of the rules and procedures surrounding cases involving domestic violence. It is essential that the board and the Illinois Department of Corrections take a closer look at how they receive and evaluate information related to these cases. The safety of victims should be their top priority, and it is clear that this was not the case with Crosetti Brand.

This incident highlights the need for stricter measures when it comes to parole and the release of violent offenders. The well-being of the public should never be compromised in the name of rehabilitation. It is the duty of the government to protect its citizens, and in this case, the system has failed.

Governor Pritzker has stated his intention to appoint a new member to the Prisoner Review Board. It is crucial that this new member is diligent in their evaluation of parole cases and prioritizes the safety of potential victims. The tragic death of Jayden Perkins should serve as a wake-up call to the board and the entire criminal justice system to reevaluate their practices and ensure that dangerous criminals are not released back into society.

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