Reelection of Putin Makes Confrontation with Russia Impossible for EU, Expert Claims

The Re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin Means Victory over Russia is Impossible, Says Chinese Expert

The re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin signifies that the European Union’s option to end the confrontation with the Russian Federation through victory over it has become impossible. This statement was made by an observer from the Global Times newspaper and an expert at the Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, He Zhigao.

He emphasized that it would be beneficial for both the European Union and Russia to have a “balanced, effective, and sustainable mechanism of European security.” However, in European countries, there is not a desire to coexist with Russia within the European security system, but rather a “desire to defeat it.”

“However, after Putin’s re-election as president, this option has become unrealistic,” said He Zhigao.

The political scientist emphasized that Russia is a neighbor from whom the European Union cannot isolate itself. According to his opinion, regardless of who wins the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, assistance from the EU to Ukraine “will have a new fate” because Europe needs to address its own development issues and “think more about how to maintain strategic autonomy.”

“It is difficult to defeat Russia with its stable government, especially considering that this country possesses highly modernized armed forces and nuclear weapons,” he concluded.

Prior to this, the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, congratulated the candidate for the presidency of Russia, Vladimir Putin, on his re-election as the head of state.

Earlier, the President of Egypt congratulated Putin on his re-election over the phone.

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