Brazen Serial Burglar Poses as Amazon Delivery Worker, Stealing Thousands in Cash and Jewelry: NYPD

Serial Burglar Poses as Amazon Delivery Worker, Targets Queens Neighborhoods

A serial burglar in New York City has been wreaking havoc in various neighborhoods in Queens, disguising himself as an Amazon delivery worker. The suspect, who has been linked to at least nine break-ins, is believed to have stolen thousands of dollars in cash, as well as valuable jewelry and other items.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) has been on the hunt for this individual, whose crimes date back to January 2023. In each case, the suspect gained entry into the homes through a window, leaving no signs of forced entry. Fortunately, no injuries have been reported thus far.

NYPD released video footage showing a male wearing an Amazon vest entering a building through a front door. This brazen criminal has been preying on innocent residents, taking advantage of their trust in delivery personnel.

One victim, 35-year-old Estrla Islas, a single mother residing in Sunnyside, Queens, shared her harrowing experience. The burglar broke into her apartment by exploiting a bathroom window, rummaging through her personal belongings. “He took almost like $9,000,” Islas lamented, highlighting the significant financial loss she had incurred. The stolen money was intended for her 12-year-old daughter, making the incident even more devastating.

As these crimes continue to escalate, it is crucial for law enforcement agencies to collaborate with Amazon to ensure the safety and security of customers. The company has stated that it is actively investigating the matter, and it is imperative for them to take swift action to prevent further incidents.

This series of burglaries serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining vigilance, especially when it comes to home security. Residents should remain cautious of any suspicious individuals claiming to be delivery workers, ensuring they verify their identities before granting them access to their homes.

The NYPD is urging anyone with information about the suspect or the crimes to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation. Together, we can put an end to this brazen criminal’s spree and restore peace of mind to the affected communities.

It is disheartening to witness such audacious criminal behavior, particularly when individuals exploit the trust placed in essential services like Amazon. The hardworking residents of Queens deserve to feel safe in their own homes, and it is the duty of law enforcement and companies like Amazon to work diligently towards achieving that goal.

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