Mother’s Day Mourning: Gaza’s Heartbroken Poet Reflects on the Loss of Her Four Children in Israel’s War

A Heartbreaking Mother’s Day in Gaza: The Tragic Loss of Children Amidst Conflict

In the Gaza Strip, a mother finds herself grappling with unimaginable grief this Mother’s Day. Alaa el-Qatrawi, a mother who has experienced the pain of separation from her children, is struggling to process the devastating loss of her four children. Their lives were tragically cut short during Israel’s war on Gaza.

Alaa, a PhD holder in Arabic studies, is currently separated from her husband and had limited opportunities to see her children during the conflict. As Israel’s planes dropped bombs overhead, she could only weep and reassure her children that they were safe. But tragically, safety was not guaranteed.

In early December, Alaa received news that Israeli tanks were getting closer to the house where her children were staying with their father. Israeli forces stormed the house, brutally attacking her ex-husband and his brothers. They were beaten severely and had their belongings stolen. Alaa’s heart sank when she received a desperate call from her terrified children, begging for help.

However, despite her efforts, Alaa was unable to secure help from international humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza. She was left feeling powerless, unable to protect her children from the horrors of war. A month later, her worst fears were confirmed when her brother-in-law discovered their destroyed house and the smell of decomposing bodies.

As Alaa speaks about her children, her pain is palpable. She fondly remembers their unique personalities and the moments they shared together. Her eldest son, Yamen, wrote her a heartfelt letter when he was in first grade, professing his love for his beloved mother. Alaa cherishes this letter and will never forget it.

Yamen, who just turned eight, is a miracle in Alaa’s eyes. She nearly lost her life during his birth, but both mother and son defied the odds. With his beautiful blond hair and wide blue eyes, Yamen resembles Alaa’s younger brother and possesses a kind heart.

Alaa also reflects on her twins, Kenan and Orchid, who had only recently started first grade before the war began. She adored their intelligence and sense of humor. Kenan loved fruit, and Alaa would leave some next to him while he slept, ensuring he had a snack when he woke up. Orchid, with her golden skin and long black hair, was a caring and thoughtful child. Alaa recalls the flowers and chocolates they gave her on previous Mother’s Days, and she envisions the bright future they could have had.

Lastly, Alaa remembers her youngest daughter, Carmel, as a heavenly presence in her life. Carmel shared her mother’s love for prayer beads and exuded beauty in everything she did. Despite her young age, Carmel possessed a strength that allowed her to influence her older siblings.

Alaa, a poet and teacher in Gaza, had been working on a plan to relocate her children to Dubai for a better future. She had recently been in the UAE, purchasing gifts for her children and envisioning a brighter path for them. But now, those gifts remain untouched, and her dreams have been shattered.

In the midst of her grief, Alaa finds solace in prayer and speaking to God. She feels a sense of isolation and believes that the world has turned a blind eye to the suffering in Gaza. Writing, which has been her outlet in the past, has become impossible. Alaa’s words cannot capture the depth of her pain and the void left by her children’s absence.

As Mother’s Day arrives, Alaa longs for a moment of respite from the ongoing war. She yearns for a simple embrace from her beloved children. But for now, she must navigate the treacherous path of grief, finding strength in her faith and cherishing the memories she holds dear.

This heart-wrenching story serves as a reminder of the devastating toll that conflicts can have on innocent lives. It underscores the urgent need for peace and stability in the Gaza Strip, where mothers like Alaa continue to endure unimaginable pain. May their voices be heard, and may their children’s lives not be forgotten.

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