Biden-backed legislation threatens Palestinian refugees with starvation as government shutdown looms. Humanitarian catastrophe imminent.

Biden-Backed Legislation Takes Aim at UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees

The Biden administration’s push to pass a bipartisan spending bill has raised eyebrows among conservatives, as it includes a provision that would ban funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). While the bill aims to avert a government shutdown and ensure continuous funding for various federal departments, it neglects the dire consequences that such a ban would have on the Palestinian refugee population in Gaza.

For years, pro-Israel members of Congress have expressed concerns about UNRWA’s alleged links to Hamas, despite the lack of substantial evidence. These concerns have now translated into concrete action, as the proposed legislation explicitly states that US funds “may not be used for a contribution, grant, or other payment” to UNRWA until March 2025. This move, if passed, would undoubtedly lead to a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, a region already facing immense challenges due to Israel’s blockade.

UNRWA plays a vital role in delivering international aid to Gaza and providing shelter for hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians. This is not the first time that Congress has attempted to ban funds for UNRWA this year, but the bipartisan nature of this current proposal increases the likelihood of its approval. However, the consequences of this ban cannot be ignored, as it would further exacerbate the dire situation in Gaza and destabilize countries with large Palestinian refugee populations, including Lebanon.

The Israeli government has accused UNRWA staff members of participating in a recent attack on southern Israel, prompting several Western countries, including the US, to suspend aid to the agency. However, UNRWA has vehemently denied these allegations, going so far as to claim that Israeli forces tortured its staff members to extract false confessions. Despite this, the Biden administration has maintained the suspension, demonstrating a concerning indifference to the plight of Palestinians.

While the bill enjoys support from Republican lawmakers who view it as a victory for their party, progressive Democrat Congressman Ro Khanna has vowed to vote against the measure. Khanna rightly points out that banning aid to starving children in Gaza goes against the principles of compassion and humanity that America should uphold. It is a stark reminder that political maneuvering should never come at the expense of innocent lives.

The Biden administration and Congress must reconsider their stance on UNRWA funding. It is crucial to address the legitimate concerns about the agency’s operations, but not at the cost of exacerbating the suffering of vulnerable Palestinian refugees. A more nuanced approach that ensures accountability while providing essential aid is what is needed in this situation. The United States must not turn a blind eye to the man-made starvation of children in Gaza; it is our moral obligation to act.

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