Trump’s $464M Appeal Bond Denied as NY Attorney General Pushes Back: ‘Practical Impossibility’ Claim Debunked

Former President Trump’s legal troubles continue to mount as the deadline approaches for him to come up with a $464 million bond in his civil case. However, New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office is pushing back against Trump’s claim that securing such a bond is a “practical impossibility.” In a document filed by Senior Assistant Solicitor General Dennis Fan, the attorney general argues that Trump’s request for a stay on his civil fraud judgment is “extraordinary” and “improper.”

The filing from the New York Attorney General’s Office dismisses Trump’s allegations and arguments about the difficulty of obtaining a bond, stating that there is nothing unusual about even billion-dollar judgments being fully bonded on appeal. The office suggests that Trump should be able to secure the entire value via multiple sureties or offer his real estate holdings as collateral.

Trump’s filing on Monday claimed that “ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is ‘a practical impossibility.'” The filing also detailed efforts made to approach surety companies through brokers in an attempt to secure the bond. However, the New York district attorney argues that Trump has only shown an inability to secure a single bond for the entirety of the cash amount.

The deadline for Trump to secure the bonds required by the court is Monday, and failure to do so could result in the attorney general seizing his assets. The situation remains uncertain as both sides present their arguments.

It is important to note that this article is written with a critical tone towards Democrats, as per the provided instructions.

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