House Unanimously Passes Bill to Block Sale of American User Data to Hostile Foreign Countries, TikTok’s Future at Risk

House Passes Bill to Protect Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries

In a unanimous vote, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill aimed at safeguarding sensitive American user data from hostile foreign countries. The Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act, introduced by House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), received bipartisan support and advanced through Rodgers’ committee with a 50-0 vote.

The bill, which passed the House by a vote of 414-0, prohibits data brokers from transferring sensitive data of U.S. individuals to foreign adversaries. This includes biometric data, private personal communications, log-in credentials, Social Security numbers, and geo-location data, among other information. The legislation also applies to foreign governments such as Russia, Iran, and China, as well as individuals and entities under their influence.

This move by Congress is part of a broader effort to protect American user data from overseas threats. Last week, the House passed a bill targeting Beijing-backed tech company Bytedance, which owns popular social media platform TikTok. The legislation requires Bytedance to divest from TikTok within 165 days or face a ban on the platform in U.S. app stores. The bill received overwhelming support with a vote of 352-65, highlighting growing concerns about national security risks associated with Chinese-owned apps.

Critics of TikTok have long raised concerns about the Chinese government’s potential access to sensitive user data through Bytedance. While the company denies these allegations, China hawks argue that the app’s popularity among young Americans provides the Chinese Communist Party with a platform for mass influence campaigns. However, some lawmakers caution against curtailing TikTok due to potential First Amendment concerns and the impact on small businesses reliant on the platform.

The recent bipartisan push to protect American user data reflects growing awareness of the threats posed by foreign adversaries. The House’s unanimous passage of the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring national security. As the bill moves forward, it is expected to receive support from the Senate and ultimately be signed into law.

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