Democratic Candidate Supports Sanctuary Cities & Opposes Reporting Illegal Immigrants to ICE, Sparks Crime Concerns

In a recent interview, former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan expressed his concerns about crime related to illegal immigration and reacted to the news that the brother of a murder suspect in the Laken Riley case has ties to a violent gang in Venezuela. Homan’s remarks highlight the ongoing issues surrounding illegal immigration and the potential dangers it poses to American communities.

Additionally, it has come to light that Curtis Hertel Jr., a Democrat running to replace Representative Elissa Slotkin in the House, has voiced his opposition to local governments reporting illegal immigrants to federal immigration authorities. Hertel, who previously served as a Michigan state senator, stated in a 2017 conversation that he believes local law enforcement should not contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding the immigration status of individuals they encounter during routine traffic stops.

Hertel’s comments raise concerns about his stance on immigration enforcement and the potential implications for public safety. By suggesting that local law enforcement should not be involved in the immigration process, Hertel disregards the importance of upholding federal immigration laws and protecting American citizens.

While Hertel did mention that he supports contacting federal immigration authorities if an illegal immigrant is deemed dangerous or has committed a crime, his overall position on immigration enforcement remains questionable. These remarks, combined with his support for Lansing’s designation as a sanctuary city, indicate a leniency towards illegal immigration that may not align with the priorities and values of many Americans.

It is essential to consider the potential consequences of such policies. Declaring sanctuary cities or opposing the reporting of illegal immigrants to federal authorities can create an environment that fosters lawlessness and undermines the rule of law. By disregarding federal immigration laws, these policies ultimately jeopardize public safety and contribute to the ongoing challenges associated with illegal immigration.

Furthermore, the Detroit Free Press reported that several Michigan counties, including Ingham, Kalamazoo, Kent, and Wayne, have been designated as safe havens for illegal immigrants. This raises concerns about the lack of cooperation between local and federal authorities, potentially allowing criminals to evade justice and remain in the country illegally.

In response to the controversy surrounding Hertel’s remarks, he issued a statement emphasizing the need for the federal government to ensure that ICE has the authority to deport undocumented immigrants who commit crimes. However, it is important to question whether his previous statements align with this sentiment and whether his overall stance on immigration enforcement is consistent and effective.

As the race for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District heats up, Hertel is likely to face Republican candidate Tom Barrett in the general election. Barrett, who previously challenged Slotkin in the 2022 midterm elections, has emerged as the sole GOP candidate in the race. The outcome of this race will have significant implications for the future of immigration policy and enforcement in Michigan.

In conclusion, the remarks made by former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan and the controversial statements from Curtis Hertel Jr. shed light on the ongoing debates surrounding illegal immigration and the role of local governments in enforcing federal immigration laws. These issues are of utmost importance in ensuring public safety and upholding the rule of law. As the election approaches, voters must carefully consider the positions and policies of the candidates running for office to make informed decisions that align with their values and priorities.

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