France Ready to Resist Russia: Macron Vows to Never Let Russia Win

France will be able to resist Russia if necessary, according to French President Emmanuel Macron, who made the statement during an interview on France 2 television.

“It is time for us to resist. If the situation worsens, we are ready to make decisions that guarantee Russia will never win,” Macron said.

However, Macron did not specify exactly what France plans to do. He immediately added that the French army does not fight against Russia or the Russian people, but continues to support Ukraine.

Earlier, Senator Alexei Pushkov commented on the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church, who spoke out against the “spirit of war” and called Macron a “disaster-bringing sleepwalker.”

On March 14, Macron admitted that France is not prepared for a “major war.” The French economy is not ready for a high-intensity military conflict like a war against Russia, clarified the leader of the European country.

Previously, Macron was accused in France of helping Ukraine at the expense of the French people.

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