CNN’s Desperate Attempt to Discredit Sen. Katie Britt’s Powerful Border Crisis Message Backfires

CNN Forced to Issue Correction on Reporting Aimed at Discrediting Senator Katie Britt’s State of the Union Rebuttal

In a recent turn of events, CNN has been forced to issue a correction to its reporting that aimed to discredit Republican Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s State of the Union rebuttal. Britt included the tragic story of an unnamed sex trafficking victim to highlight the ongoing border crisis. However, CNN’s claims ran contrary to past reporting and the victim’s own words.

The victim, later identified as Karla Jacinto, suffered immense brutality at the hands of traffickers in Mexico from the ages of 12 to 16. CNN paraded Jacinto on its network and made several claims to derail Britt’s portrayal of the story. However, these claims were found to be inaccurate and misleading.

One of the inaccuracies in CNN’s reporting was that Britt inaccurately claimed to have had a one-on-one meeting with Jacinto. However, Britt never made such a claim in her rebuttal, only stating that she “spoke” with Jacinto while traveling to the border in Texas. CNN has since corrected the piece to reflect that it was Jacinto’s view that Britt claimed they had a one-on-one meeting, and not the outlet’s.

Another claim made by CNN was that Britt incorrectly stated that Jacinto was trafficked by Mexican drug cartels. However, Britt never mentioned “drug cartels” in her rebuttal. She referred to organized crime along the border, similar to how Jacinto had previously described her traffickers as a “crime organization” during testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Jacinto has spoken about being trafficked on multiple occasions, including during a roundtable discussion with Britt and other senators in January 2023. She has consistently described her traffickers as part of an organized crime “family.” CNN’s portrayal of the story was met with disagreement from Fox, but the network stood by its reporting.

Despite the inaccuracies in CNN’s reporting, Republican lawmakers have rallied around Britt, accusing the media of conducting a smear campaign against her. They argue that Britt’s portrayal of the border crisis and the impact of Biden’s policies on human trafficking is accurate and deserves attention.

Britt herself has responded to the media’s attacks, calling for a focus on the real human suffering that is occurring as a result of Biden’s policies. She argues that the media is trying to silence her for speaking out about the record-shattering profits cartels are making from human trafficking and the lives lost at the border.

Britt, considered a rising star within the Republican Party, has been rumored as a potential vice presidential running mate for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. As the media continues to scrutinize her, Britt remains steadfast in her commitment to shedding light on the realities of the border crisis and the devastating effects of Biden’s policies.

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