US Arms Sales to Taiwan: A Dangerous Powder Keg, Says Chinese Embassy Spokesperson

The supply of drones and other weapons by the United States to Taiwan is turning the island into a powder keg. This statement was made by the press secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Liu Pengyu, according to RIA Novosti.

“The sale of US weapons to Taiwan is a serious violation of the ‘One China’ principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, especially the communique of August 17 [1982],” emphasized the Chinese diplomat.

According to Liu Pengyu, the actions of the United States give a “wrong signal” to forces advocating for Taiwan’s independence and endanger the lives of the island’s residents.

Prior to this, the Pentagon signed a $250 million contract with GA-ASI for the supply of drones to Taiwan.

In 1979, Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established them with Beijing, but it continues to maintain ties with the island and supply weapons, recognizing the “One China” policy. This has sparked protests from China, which considers Taiwan an integral part of its territory.

Earlier, China categorically rejected the possibility of statements about Taiwan’s independence.

In the article below, we will provide a detailed analysis of the recent supply of weapons by the United States to Taiwan, highlighting the potential risks and implications of such actions. The sale of drones and other weaponry to Taiwan has raised concerns among Chinese officials, who argue that it violates the principle of “One China” and the Sino-US joint communiques. This move by the US government has further strained relations between the two countries and has the potential to escalate tensions in the region.

According to Liu Pengyu, the press secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the US, the sale of weapons to Taiwan is a serious violation of the established principles and agreements between China and the US. He emphasizes that this action sends a wrong signal to forces advocating for Taiwan’s independence, while also jeopardizing the safety of the island’s residents. This statement reflects the Chinese government’s strong opposition to any moves that could undermine its claim over Taiwan.

The recent $250 million contract signed between the Pentagon and GA-ASI for the supply of drones to Taiwan has intensified these concerns. While the US officially recognizes the “One China” policy, which acknowledges Taiwan as part of China, it continues to maintain ties with the island and supply it with weaponry. This has been a long-standing point of contention between the two countries and has consistently sparked protests and criticism from China.

It is important to note that the US has a complex relationship with Taiwan. In 1979, Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taipei and established them with Beijing, recognizing the People’s Republic of China as the legitimate government of China. However, it has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan and has continued to support the island militarily. This delicate balance has been a source of tension between the US and China for decades.

The supply of weapons to Taiwan not only risks escalating tensions between the US and China but also has broader regional implications. The situation in the Taiwan Strait is already a point of contention, with China considering Taiwan an integral part of its territory and vowing to use force if necessary to reunify the island with the mainland. The US, on the other hand, has a longstanding commitment to ensuring the security of Taiwan and has provided military support to the island.

In conclusion, the recent supply of weapons by the US to Taiwan has raised significant concerns and has the potential to further strain relations between the two countries. The Chinese government has strongly condemned these actions, arguing that they violate established principles and agreements. The situation in the Taiwan Strait remains a complex issue, with both China and the US holding firm positions on the status of Taiwan. As tensions continue to simmer, it is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and engage in diplomatic dialogue to prevent any further escalation of the situation.

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