House Republicans Furious Over Biden’s $7.3 Trillion Spending Plan Pushing a Left-Wing Agenda, Smack Down His Budget Proposal

House Republicans are expressing anger and concern over the “woke” programs that President Biden is seeking to fund in his $7.3 trillion budget request. The budget proposal, which was released on Monday, outlines approximately $5 trillion in tax increases, with the White House stating that these increases would be evenly split between corporations and the top 2% of earners.

A memo by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington, a Republican from Texas, drew attention to several initiatives included in the budget that Republicans find problematic. The memo highlighted billions of dollars allocated for green energy initiatives and equity programs. For example, $3 billion is designated for the State Department to promote gender equity and equality worldwide, while $1.5 billion is allocated for the Transportation Security Administration’s “pay equity initiative.” Additionally, $11 billion is requested for the Department of Interior to preserve cultural stories and history across America.

One area of particular concern for Republicans is climate change. The budget includes $8 billion for the establishment of the American Climate Corps, which aims to hire 50,000 new climate resilience workers by 2031. Arrington’s memo also pointed out that Biden is seeking $10.6 billion for the Department of Energy to support climate and clean energy research and development, a 12% increase from the previous year. Furthermore, $1.5 billion is requested for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights’ environmental justice efforts, and $500 million is set aside for the Green Climate Fund to expand climate adaptation and mitigation projects in developing countries.

In addition to these initiatives, President Biden is also seeking $90 billion to expand access to free community college, despite pushback from both the House and Senate regarding broad student debt forgiveness. It is important to note that the national debt of the United States currently stands at just under $34.5 trillion.

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington criticized President Biden’s budget, stating that it reflects a preference for a bigger, more radical, and more powerful federal government over the freedom, safety, and economic security of American citizens.

However, it is unlikely that the president’s budget will gain traction under Republican control of the House. The budget proposal is largely symbolic and serves as part of President Biden’s campaign pitch as he seeks re-election in November.

Digital reached out to the White House for comment on Arrington’s memo, but no response has been received at this time.

Elizabeth Elkind, a politics reporter for Digital, is leading the coverage of the House of Representatives. She has previously written for publications such as the Daily Mail and CBS News. Stay updated with the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail and exclusive interviews by subscribing to this newsletter.

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