Biden and Trump Set to Clinch Nominations in 2024 Rematch, Sweeping Super Tuesday Contests

President Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to officially announce their rematch for the 2024 general election on Tuesday. As the primaries in Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington State take place, both candidates are expected to secure the necessary delegates to become their party’s presumptive nominees. With no major challengers remaining, Biden and Trump are poised to solidify their positions as the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees.

Trump’s strong performance on Super Tuesday, where he won 14 out of 15 GOP primaries and caucuses, has brought him closer to securing the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. His last rival, former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, withdrew from the race the day after Super Tuesday.

Currently, Trump has 1,075 delegates, needing 1,215 to secure the nomination. The upcoming primaries in Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington State offer a total of 59, 40, and 43 delegates respectively. Additionally, Hawaii will hold a Republican presidential caucus later in the evening with 19 delegates at stake.

On the Democratic side, Biden currently has 1,866 delegates and needs 1,968 to secure renomination. Similar to Trump, he also swept 14 out of 15 contests last week. Georgia, with 108 delegates up for grabs, could push Biden over the threshold. Mississippi and Washington State offer 35 and 92 delegates respectively.

Both Biden and Trump have made campaign stops in Georgia, a crucial battleground state for the general election. In the 2016 election, Biden narrowly carried Georgia, securing a victory over Trump. This rematch between the two candidates marks the first time since 1956 that a White House race features a re-match, reminiscent of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s victory over former Democratic Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois.

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