King County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Law Banning Homeless Camps, Ignites Constitutional Controversy

Burien Mayor Kevin Schilling is facing a major dilemma as he investigates an alleged breach of an agreement between the city and the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO). It has come to light that the sheriff, Patti Cole-Tindall, directed her deputies to not enforce a new ordinance that prohibits homeless encampments within 500 feet of locations such as schools and parks. The sheriff’s decision was reportedly based on concerns over the constitutionality of the law.

This revelation has left Mayor Schilling questioning the integrity of the inter-local agreement and considering the establishment of a city-run police department. He believes that the actions of Sheriff Cole-Tindall demonstrate a prioritization of politics over public safety. As the mayor aptly pointed out, the City of Burien pays millions of dollars to the KCSO with the expectation that they will enforce city codes and laws to keep the community safe and accessible for all.

However, it appears that Sheriff Cole-Tindall did not inform city officials, including Mayor Schilling, of her decision. This lack of communication raises serious concerns about the relationship between the county and the city. Mayor Schilling accuses County Executive Dow Constantine of undemocratically dictating what occurs in local governments, highlighting the dangers of higher government officials exerting control over the affairs of communities.

Burien’s new ordinance, which was passed by the city council in a 5-2 vote, aims to address the pressing issue of homelessness in the area. By prohibiting camping on public property during certain hours and within a certain distance from sensitive locations, the city hopes to prioritize public safety and provide better access to shelter and services for those experiencing homelessness.

Despite the controversy surrounding the enforcement of the homeless encampment ordinance, Sheriff Cole-Tindall has instructed her deputies to continue enforcing criminal code violations. This decision raises questions about the selective enforcement of laws and the potential for a lack of consistency in upholding public safety.

It is essential to remember that homelessness, drug addiction, mental health issues, and criminal activity are complex problems that transcend partisan lines. Mayor Schilling rightly emphasizes the need for government accountability and individual responsibility in addressing these issues. He believes that treatment should be prioritized over tents and that public safety should take precedence over political agendas.

The situation in Burien serves as a stark reminder that local governments must have the autonomy to make decisions that best serve their communities. When higher government officials interfere and prioritize their own political beliefs over the well-being of the public, the result is a breakdown in trust and a failure to effectively address pressing issues.

As the investigation into the alleged breach of the inter-local agreement continues, it is crucial for Mayor Schilling and other city officials to hold the county accountable for their actions. The people of Burien deserve a government that prioritizes their safety and well-being above all else.

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