Fury at FDNY Ceremony as NY AG Letitia James Gets Heckled: Firefighters Cheer for Trump!

New York Attorney General Letitia James faced a hostile crowd during a recent ceremony at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. As James approached the podium, some audience members began chanting, “Trump! Trump! Trump!” This incident comes after James prosecuted the former president, Donald Trump.

The booing incident occurred during a promotion ceremony for 65 members of the Fire Operations, EMS Operations, Bureau of Fire Investigation, along with 29 members of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and 34 civilian employees. Andrew Ansboro, the President of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, stated that as far as he knows, no FDNY members have turned themselves in, and no one has been charged with a violation yet.

It remains unclear what specific violation the firefighters could be accused of or how they may be reprimanded. The FDNY has a catch-all clause regarding “unbecoming conduct” that may be utilized in this situation. Ansboro cautioned that before holding anyone liable, the FDNY should be held accountable for their failure to supervise.

Ansboro also mentioned that firefighter ceremonies have had a “carnival-like” atmosphere in the past and suggested that hosting them at a church may not be appropriate. The FDNY is currently investigating to identify those who participated in the booing.

During her speech, James responded to the booing, saying, “Oh, c’mon, we’re in a house of God. Simmer down. Thank you for getting it out of your system.” Ansboro pointed out that event organizers could have intervened and instructed the firefighters to “lock it up,” a term used to signal firefighters to stop any disruptive behavior. He expressed surprise that it took hours for any action to be taken.

FDNY Spokesman Jim Long clarified that the department is not actively pursuing anyone over the incident but is focused on those who clearly violated department regulations. Long emphasized that the issue is about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship, rather than politics.

It is worth noting that Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump last year, accusing him of inflating his real estate assets and engaging in fraud. In February, a judge ruled in James’s favor and ordered Trump to pay a $350 million fine. James has been vocal about holding Trump accountable for his actions.

The FDNY has not responded to Andrew Ansboro’s recent comments. The investigation into the booing incident continues.

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