Chairman of Defense Committee Debunks Fake Mobilization Order After Russian Presidential Election” – RTVI Reports

Chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma, Andrey Kartapolov, has stated that the “order” signed on behalf of the Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu, regarding mobilization after the Russian presidential elections, is a fake. His words were reported by RTVI.

“This is complete nonsense! This is the work of our opponents who spread a fake document pulled out of thin air through the internet,” Kartapolov said.

According to him, there are no plans to conduct any new mobilization in the country.

As RTVI notes, a photo of the document began circulating on social networks and messengers in early March. It was signed “on behalf of Shoygu” on March 6. The document claims that by June 1, military commissariats should organize an additional conscription of 300,000 citizens for military service as part of partial mobilization.

Lawyers have pointed out that the “order” contains several signs of being fake: military commissariats do not organize conscription through mobilization, and the marking “For official use only” is incorrectly placed.

A fake mobilization order was previously circulated in Russia in September of last year.

Earlier, Putin stated that there is currently no need for a second wave of mobilization.

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