Biden’s Executive Order Enables Illegal Immigrants and Ineligible Convicts to Vote: Mississippi Secretary of State Raises Alarm

Mississippi’s Secretary of State, Michael Watson, has sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, urging the Biden administration to stop enforcing an executive order that he claims is being used to register ineligible convicts and illegal immigrants to vote. The executive order, signed by President Biden in 2021, aims to combat racial discrimination and protect the right to vote. However, Watson argues that it is an intrusion into state matters and a misuse of federal resources.

Watson expresses concerns about the Department of Justice’s efforts to facilitate voter registration and mail voting for individuals in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons. He argues that this program creates opportunities for ineligible prisoners to be registered to vote in Mississippi. He also raises questions about which organizations the U.S. Marshals Service is using to assist federal prisoners with voter registration, voting by mail, and notification of upcoming elections. Watson believes that relying on partisan entities for these services is improper and could lead to incorrect directions being provided to voters.

One of the specific concerns highlighted in Watson’s letter is the potential registration of illegal immigrants in the Mississippi prison system. He argues that providing non-citizens with information on how to register to vote encourages them to illegally register, exposing them to legal jeopardy beyond their immigration status.

Watson finds it shocking that the Biden administration would allocate tax dollars and law enforcement resources to a program that could potentially include ineligible and non-citizen voters on state voter rolls. With millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, he considers this a pressing issue, particularly with a presidential election just eight months away.

The Honest Elections Project, represented by Executive Director Jason Snead, supports Watson’s letter, believing that the program jeopardizes election integrity and voter confidence. Snead accuses the Biden administration of pursuing a partisan get-out-the-vote scheme using taxpayer dollars. He points out that the administration is using law enforcement resources to potentially register ineligible voters and non-citizens, as well as paying students to coordinate with left-wing organizations to mobilize youth voters.

Digital reached out to the White House and the Department of Justice for comment but received no response. The urgency of the matter is emphasized by Watson, who hopes that other states will join in pushing back against the program. He believes that the upcoming November election is crucial for the future of the country and urges the Biden administration to respect their request to halt the program.

In conclusion, Mississippi’s Secretary of State has raised concerns about the Biden administration’s executive order, claiming that it could lead to the registration of ineligible convicts and illegal immigrants to vote. He argues that the program is an intrusion into state matters and a misuse of federal resources. The Secretary of State is urging the administration to stop the program, emphasizing the importance of election integrity and the upcoming presidential election.

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