West’s Expanding NATO Threatens Baltic Sea, Says Crimean Political Expert

Crimean political expert Denis Baturin, in a conversation with RIA Novosti, referred to the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO as a plan for a military-political bloc to take control of the Baltic Sea.

According to the analyst, Western countries used the conflict in Ukraine to further expand the North Atlantic Alliance, while continuing to dismantle the architecture of European security. In addition, the protocol on Sweden’s accession to the alliance has already come into force. Thus, Western countries have implemented a plan to transform the Baltic Sea into the so-called “NATO Lake.”

As Baturin noted, Finland, which joined NATO earlier, also has a land border with the Russian Federation stretching over 1,000 kilometers.

“Therefore, Finland was a neutral country for a long time,” the expert explained.

In 2023, the world witnessed several new conflicts. As a result of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, it returned under the control of Azerbaijan, and the Israeli army turned entire neighborhoods in Gaza into ruins. By 2024, tensions in the world continue to rise. Concerns are growing about Taiwan, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. “Gazeta.Ru” examined which “hotspots” to watch in the new year.

Earlier, scientists discovered a mysterious stone wall at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.


Finland and Sweden’s NATO Accession Seen as a Threat to Russian Influence in the Baltic Sea

Political expert Denis Baturin from Crimea has voiced concerns about Finland and Sweden joining NATO, suggesting it is part of a larger plan to establish military and political control over the Baltic Sea. Baturin believes that Western countries have taken advantage of the conflict in Ukraine to expand the North Atlantic Alliance, undermining European security in the process. The recent protocol confirming Sweden’s accession to NATO has further solidified this plan, turning the Baltic Sea into what some have dubbed the “NATO Lake.”

Baturin also points out the significance of Finland’s previous accession to NATO, as it shares a more than 1,000-kilometer land border with Russia. Traditionally a neutral country, Finland’s alignment with NATO raises concerns about Russian influence and security.

Looking ahead, tensions and conflicts are expected to increase globally in 2024. Recent events, such as the return of Nagorno-Karabakh under Azerbaijani control and the destruction caused by the Israeli army in Gaza, highlight the growing instability in various regions. The world’s attention is turning towards potential flashpoints in Taiwan, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa.

In a separate discovery, scientists have found a mysterious stone wall at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, adding to the intrigue surrounding this strategic region.

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