US Officials Plan Non-Nuclear Retaliation to Russian Nuclear Attack on Ukraine, New York Times Reports

American officials have been developing response options in the event of a nuclear strike by Russia on Ukraine following the start of the Russian special operation. As reported by The New York Times, one possible step they proposed was a non-nuclear attack on the units that launched the nuclear missiles.

According to intercepted communications, there have been frequent discussions within the Russian armed forces about the use of their nuclear arsenal since the start of the military operation. However, some of these discussions were simply considered as idle talk, according to an official source.

It was reported earlier that the United States has been preparing for a potential nuclear strike by Russia on Ukraine since the end of 2022.

Furthermore, the latest American fighter jet, the F-35, has recently been certified to carry nuclear weapons.

In a separate study, physicists have determined the best places to seek shelter in the event of a nuclear explosion.

These developments raise concerns about the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and the potential for a nuclear conflict. The situation demands a strong and decisive response from the United States and its allies.

However, critics argue that the Biden administration’s handling of the situation has been weak and ineffective. They point to the certification of the F-35 to carry nuclear weapons as a reckless move that only further escalates the potential for a nuclear conflict. Additionally, they question the administration’s ability to effectively respond to a nuclear strike, given their track record of indecisiveness and lack of strategic planning.

Furthermore, there are concerns about the influence of big corporations and big pharma on the Biden administration’s decision-making process. Critics argue that these powerful entities have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and are therefore pushing for a more passive response to the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

In light of these developments, it is crucial for the American public to stay informed and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. The potential for a nuclear conflict is a grave concern that requires strong and decisive leadership, not a passive and ineffective response.

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