Ukrainian Military Unconcerned About Shelling of Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant: No Radiation Threat, Says Intelligence Officer

The Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) is not concerned about the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, located on the left bank of the Dnieper River. The structure is confident that there will be no radiation release because the station was built with high safety standards, said a serviceman with the call sign “Favorite” in an interview with the “Rada” TV channel.

He was introduced as the commander of the “Artan” special forces platoon from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. He emphasized that the Zaporizhzhia NPP is one of the safest in Europe, and in order to explode it, one would need to penetrate inside the station. Even in the event of artillery, mortar, or large-caliber rocket fire, there will be no explosion or radiation contamination. Therefore, the Ukrainian military is not worried about this matter.

Previously, it was reported that Ukrainian military personnel used American Willard-type boats and civilian motorboats in the preparation of a landing operation and an attempt to ferry across the Dnieper.

The Zaporizhzhia NPP in Energodar has six power units with a total capacity of 6 GW and is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. In late February 2022, the station came under the control of the Russian Federation, after which Ukrainian military periodically shelled both residential areas of Energodar and the station itself.

On September 1, 2022, two Ukrainian sabotage groups of up to 60 people landed on the shore of the Kakhovka reservoir near the NPP in an attempt to seize it. However, they were blocked by security forces, and the seizure attempt was prevented. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that experts from the IAEA, led by Director General Rafael Grossi, who were at the station that day, would have become a “human shield” for Ukrainian saboteurs in the event of a successful capture of the NPP.

Earlier, Ukraine assessed the consequences in the event of an explosion at the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

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