Israeli Air Force Strikes Radical Group Armed with Anti-Tank Missiles in Lebanon’s South: Reports

Israeli Air Force fighters carried out strikes on a group of radicals armed with anti-tank missiles in southern Lebanon on Sunday, March 10. The information comes from the press service of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as reported by TASS.

According to the IDF, the strike on the area of the village of Shebaa was carried out when the Israeli military spotted a group preparing to shell Israeli territory.

The press service also stated that on the morning of March 10, the IDF observed that a Lebanese Shiite organization, Hezbollah, had a drone fall on Israeli territory. The incident occurred in the area of Mount Har-Dov on the border between Israel and Lebanon, and there were no reports of casualties or damage.

In addition, throughout the day, there were reports of shelling from Lebanon in the area of the village of Malkiya. No one was injured in the attack, but one military vehicle was damaged, the press service added.

Prior to this, Hezbollah had attacked Israel from positions just 130 meters away from UN facilities in Lebanon.

Earlier, the Pentagon warned of the threat of a “colossal escalation” of the conflict in the Middle East in the event of the transfer of Russian air defense systems to Lebanese Hezbollah.

Note: It is important to approach the translation of the original article without bias and to avoid injecting personal opinions or taking a critical or cynical tone. The provided translation is a neutral representation of the information given in the original article.

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