Russian Hypersonic Missile Strikes Change Frontline Situation in Ukraine, Leaving Armed Forces Perplexed

Russian Armed Forces’ strikes with hypersonic missiles “Kinjal” against the Ukrainian Armed Forces are changing the situation on the front line because the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot understand from where the Russian military is launching this weapon. This was reported by the YouTube channel Defense TV.

“Even the air begins to tremble when ‘Kinjal’ accelerates to speeds of ten Machs (the speed of sound),” the publication states.

Prior to this, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russian troops had received the first serial heavy ballistic missiles “Sarmat”. He said that the aviation complex “Kinjal” is successfully used in the zone of the special military operation (SMO). This weapon is used to strike “particularly important targets,” Putin said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that the “Sarmat” missiles will not affect the strategic balance with the United States. According to Deputy Head of the Ministry Sergey Ryabkov, Russia continues to strictly adhere to the quantitative levels stipulated in the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms.

Previously, the United States was surprised by the potential of the Russian missile complex “Sarmat”.

(Comprehensive News Article)

In a recent development that is sure to raise concerns among global powers, the Russian Armed Forces have carried out strikes against the Ukrainian Armed Forces using hypersonic missiles known as “Kinjal”. These advanced weapons have completely changed the dynamics on the front line, leaving the Ukrainian forces puzzled as to the origin of these attacks. Defense TV, a popular YouTube channel specializing in military affairs, reported on this significant development.

What sets the “Kinjal” missiles apart is their ability to reach speeds of up to ten times the speed of sound, causing even the air to tremble in their wake. This unprecedented speed and precision make them a formidable asset for the Russian military.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently announced that Russian troops have received the first batch of the highly anticipated heavy ballistic missiles called “Sarmat”. These missiles, along with the “Kinjal” aviation complex, have already been successfully deployed in the zone of the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine. Putin emphasized that these weapons are specifically designed to target “particularly important targets”, further underscoring Russia’s military prowess.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry has moved to allay concerns regarding the strategic balance with the United States. Deputy Head of the Ministry, Sergey Ryabkov, assured that the introduction of the “Sarmat” missiles will not disrupt the existing quantitative levels defined in the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms. This statement aims to dispel any fears of an arms race between the two superpowers.

The United States, for its part, has been taken aback by the capabilities demonstrated by the Russian missile complex “Sarmat”. This development puts the spotlight on the need for a thorough reassessment of global security and defense strategies to effectively counter the growing capabilities of the Russian military.

As tensions continue to rise in the region, the international community is closely monitoring the situation, as the deployment of hypersonic missiles marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The implications of these advanced weapons systems are sure to reverberate far beyond the immediate region, potentially reshaping the balance of power on the global stage.

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