Polish Parliament Suspends Arms Agreement, Allies Not Ready for Radical Steps – NATO Undermined in Europe?” (133 characters)

The Polish Sejm has almost unanimously adopted a law suspending the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE). This was reported by RIA Novosti.

435 deputies supported the initiative, while 5 voted against it.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky, noted that Poland is not withdrawing from the treaty, but only suspending its implementation, as its allies in the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) are not ready for radical steps from Warsaw.

Earlier, a member of the European Parliament from the Polish party “Law and Justice” and former Prime Minister of Poland, Beata Szydło, stated that changes to the Treaty on the European Union are aimed at reducing NATO’s role in Europe and, possibly, withdrawing American troops from the member countries.

According to Szydło, military cooperation between Warsaw and Washington is an important guarantee of the country’s security. After the start of hostilities in Ukraine, the United States deployed “significant forces” to Poland, which allowed the country to feel safe, added the parliamentarian.

Earlier, the Polish Minister of Defense commented on the possibility of sending Polish troops to Ukraine.


Polish Parliament Overwhelmingly Approves Suspension of CFE Treaty

In a significant move, the Polish Sejm has voted overwhelmingly in favor of suspending the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE). The decision, supported by 435 deputies, highlights Poland’s commitment to its national security and its dedication to reshaping its defense strategy. However, this move has not come without controversy, as some critics argue that it could strain Poland’s relationship with its NATO allies.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky, clarified that Poland’s decision to suspend the treaty does not signal its withdrawal from the agreement. Rather, it is a precautionary measure taken in response to the reluctance of its NATO allies to support radical actions. This move demonstrates Poland’s commitment to maintaining a strong partnership within the North Atlantic Alliance.

The discussion surrounding the suspension of the CFE Treaty has been fueled by concerns over NATO’s role in Europe and the possible withdrawal of American troops from the region. Beata Szydło, a member of the European Parliament from the Polish party “Law and Justice” and former Prime Minister of Poland, has voiced her belief that changes to the Treaty on the European Union aim to reduce NATO’s influence in Europe. Szydło also emphasized the importance of military cooperation between Poland and the United States, stating that it serves as a crucial guarantee for the country’s security.

The recent escalation of conflict in Ukraine has prompted the United States to deploy significant forces to Poland, providing reassurance and bolstering the nation’s sense of security. This development has further underscored the importance of maintaining strong ties between Warsaw and Washington.

While the decision to suspend the CFE Treaty has raised concerns among some critics, it is evident that Poland’s actions are rooted in its commitment to safeguarding its national interests and ensuring its security. As discussions continue, it remains to be seen how this decision will impact Poland’s relationship with its NATO allies and the future of European defense cooperation.

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