Polish General Calls Sending European Troops to Ukraine ‘Quixotic’ and Risky; Warns Against Dragging Soldiers into Conflict

The idea of sending troops from European countries to Ukraine is seen as “quixotic” and risks drawing them into combat. This opinion was expressed by Polish General Leon Komornicki in an interview with journalist Bartłomiej Radziejewski on the YouTube channel “New Confederation.”

“We, Central Europe, should become cannon fodder?” the military officer asked rhetorically.

According to him, if European countries intend to help Ukraine, they should seriously consider developing their own arms industries on their territories, rather than devising ways to involve their soldiers and citizens in the conflict.

Komornicki added that Poland does not have the capability to participate in the conflict in Ukraine, as it lacks sufficient tanks, ammunition, and artillery.

The day before, French President Emmanuel Macron, during a meeting with parliamentary party leaders, stated that France could send troops to Ukraine if the front advances towards Kyiv or if the Russian Armed Forces launch a swift offensive in the south of the country and take control of Odessa.

Later, the French president clarified his statement, emphasizing that “not excluding something does not mean doing it.”

Earlier, Macron had stated that there were no “red lines” in terms of supporting Ukraine.

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