Party of Trump: Republicans Overwhelmingly Vote to Confirm Key Allies as RNC Leaders, Igniting Controversy

Republican National Committee member Henry Barbour of Mississippi expressed his belief that the Republican Party needs to unite behind former President Donald Trump. As the Republican National Committee (RNC) gathers for a general session, they are expected to confirm a key ally of Trump and Trump’s daughter-in-law as the national party committee chair and co-chair. This meeting comes on the heels of Trump’s success in 14 out of 15 GOP primaries and caucuses on Super Tuesday, bringing him closer to securing the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election.

Barbour stated that Trump is the presumptive nominee and the party should allow him to run the RNC, as is customary for the nominee. Chris Ager, the New Hampshire GOP chair, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that the Republican Party is now the party of Trump. Ronna McDaniel, the longtime RNC chair appointed by Trump in 2016, will step down from her position, following Trump’s calls for changes within the committee.

Trump has chosen Michael Whatley, the North Carolina GOP chair and a Trump ally, to succeed McDaniel. Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, will serve as RNC co-chair, focusing on fundraising and media appearances. Trump’s campaign adviser, Chris LaCivita, will also serve as RNC chief of staff. Barbour and Ager both expressed support for Trump’s choices, stating that they trust the former president’s judgment.

While it is customary for the presumptive nominee to assume control of the party during a presidential election cycle, there has been controversy surrounding the potential use of RNC funds to pay for Trump’s legal bills. Trump currently faces multiple criminal trials and a civil fraud judgment. However, LaCivita and the Trump campaign have stated that the RNC will not be paying these bills.

Barbour proposed a non-binding resolution to prevent RNC funds from being used for Trump’s legal expenses, but the resolution did not receive enough support. Nevertheless, Barbour acknowledged that the Trump campaign has confirmed that they have no plans to use RNC funds for this purpose.

In conclusion, the RNC is set to confirm Trump’s influence within the party, with his allies taking key positions. While there have been concerns about potential financial support for Trump’s legal battles, both the Trump campaign and RNC members have stated that RNC funds will not be used for this purpose. The Republican Party aims to unite behind Trump as they prepare for the 2024 elections.

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