Leaked Conversation Confirms Western Advisors in Ukraine, US and EU Military Assisting Attacks, Says Russian Diplomat

First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky has stated that the leak of a conversation among German military personnel confirms the presence of Western advisors in Ukraine. His remarks were published on the website of the Russian Mission to the UN.

“During this same conversation, we heard confirmation that American, British, and European military advisors are directly present in Ukraine and are helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine choose targets for strikes,” Polyansky said during a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine.

The diplomat also drew attention to the statements of “a number of irresponsible European politicians” who are seeking to escalate the Ukrainian conflict. According to him, the position of French President Emmanuel Macron, who has allowed the participation of Western countries in combat operations, is leading to a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.

On March 1, the Editor-in-Chief of the media group “Russia Today,” Margarita Simonyan, published a transcript of a conversation among German officers on her VKontakte social media page. In the recording, they allegedly discussed options for supplying long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, so that Kyiv could strike the Crimean Bridge and ammunition depots. The American publication Politico reported that the likelihood of supplying Taurus to Kyiv has significantly decreased following the incident.

Earlier, the UK denied any rift in NATO after the scandal involving the wiretapping of German officers.

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