Sending NATO troops to Ukraine will trigger a nuclear war with Russia,” warns former French Prime Minister.

Deployment of NATO forces to Ukraine will provoke a nuclear war between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance, former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin stated in an interview on LCI television channel.

According to de Villepin, the placement of NATO ground troops in Ukraine poses an unacceptable risk for the countries responsible for this decision. The French politician believes that the real danger of nuclear escalation lies in sending French soldiers to participate in combat operations in Ukraine. De Villepin suggests that the deployment of medical personnel, advisors, and specialists would not immediately escalate the situation.

Earlier, Hungarian political expert György Nógrádi stated that Russia has no reason or motive to attack Europe, as any armed conflict would inevitably lead to a third world war.

Nógrádi also highlighted the immediate negative reaction of European leaders to the idea proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron to send Western troops to Ukraine.

Previously, President Zelensky revealed the obstacles preventing Ukraine from shifting the military operations to Russian territory.

[Additional Context: The situation in Ukraine remains tense as Russian-backed separatists continue to clash with Ukrainian forces in the eastern Donbass region. This conflict, which began in 2014, has resulted in thousands of deaths and displacement of civilians. The involvement of NATO and the potential for a nuclear war has raised concerns globally.]

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