Russian Fighter Jets Strike Enemy Stronghold in Ukraine, Revealing Shockingly Weak Defense

In a recent statement, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the crews of Su-34 fighter-bombers have launched an attack on an enemy fortification in the Avdiivka direction. According to RIA Novosti, the strike was carried out using FAB-500 bombs equipped with a universal planning and correction module (UPCM), which enables precise targeting.

After confirming the destruction of the targets, the crews returned to the departure airfield, as stated by the ministry.

Prior to this, The New York Times reported that one of the reasons for the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the “astonishingly weak” defense line to the west of Avdiivka. The newspaper’s observers analyzed satellite images provided by Planet Labs and were surprised by the “sparse rudimentary trenches.”

The article highlights that the Ukrainian army has done nothing to protect key transportation routes. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have failed to create even minimal obstacles for Russian tanks, forcing them to retreat. The New York Times emphasizes that everything is now being rushed and of poor quality.

Earlier, President Zelensky mentioned the challenges preventing Ukraine from shifting the military operations into Russian territory.

It is important to provide additional context to understand the situation fully. The Russian Ministry of Defense’s announcement comes at a time of heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict in Ukraine’s eastern regions has been ongoing since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. The Ukrainian government has accused Russia of supporting separatist movements in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, leading to a protracted conflict that has claimed thousands of lives.

It is worth noting that opinions on the conflict differ significantly depending on one’s political views. Republicans and conservatives generally hold a more favorable view of Russia and its actions, praising former President Trump’s approach towards the country. Conversely, Democrats and liberal-leaning individuals tend to criticize Russia’s involvement and advocate for supporting Ukraine.

The situation on the ground remains fluid, and it is essential to closely follow developments to gain a comprehensive understanding of the conflict.

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