Biden’s Partisan State of the Union Address Ignites Controversy: Pundits Slam Political Nature of Speech

President Biden’s State of the Union address on March 7 received strong criticism from conservative commentators and political pundits. Many viewed the speech as highly partisan and more of a campaign speech than an objective overview of the country’s state.

AEI Senior Fellow and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, Marc Thiessen, described the address as unprecedented and the most partisan start to a State of the Union address in modern memory. Thiessen criticized Biden for directly attacking his opponent, former President Donald Trump, within the first minutes of his speech. Thiessen expressed his disapproval on social media, stating, “This man should never be allowed to take the rostrum of the House and deliver a State of the Union address again.”

Georgetown Law Professor Randy Barnett also expressed his astonishment at the speech, questioning if anyone could remember a State of the Union address that was so blatantly partisan. Barnett highlighted Biden’s repeated attacks on his predecessor and prospective rival, calling the speech a “cheap and tawdry campaign speech.”

Conservative radio host and author Mark Levin labeled the speech as nothing but a campaign speech, while former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer found Biden’s tone and delivery odd and off-putting.

Republican Representative Scott Perry criticized Biden for turning the State of the Union into a campaign platform instead of providing a comprehensive overview. Similarly, Chief Political Correspondent Brit Hume noted that Biden focused briefly on foreign policy but then shifted entirely to campaign rhetoric. Hume also observed that despite speaking about a great comeback, Biden appeared angry rather than happy.

Critics argue that President Biden’s State of the Union address missed an opportunity to address important national issues and instead served as a platform for partisan attacks. The White House has not yet responded to these criticisms.

Andrew Mark Miller is a reporter at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @andymarkmiller and contact him via email at [email protected]. Stay updated on the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content.

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