Ukraine gives Chernobyl reserve to border guards for defense, raising concerns about environmental impact. #UkrainianGovernment

Part of the territory of the Chernobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve, located in Ukraine, will be handed over to border guards for fortification purposes. This information was reported on the website of the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“The lands of the Chernobyl Reserve will be transferred to the state border service for defense,” the publication states.

The ministry’s press service clarified that we are talking about lands along the state border. Recently, changes were made to the land code of Ukraine, according to which border territories and objects of the country’s nature reserve fund should come under the control of military units of the state border service.

It is expected that fortifications and various barriers will be installed here in the future. The country’s leadership has already prepared a draft decree by President Volodymyr Zelensky on changing the borders of the Chernobyl Reserve, according to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Currently, the document is being coordinated with the central executive authorities,” the statement emphasizes.

Earlier, the effectiveness of Ukrainian defense fortifications was assessed in the United States.


The Ukrainian government’s decision to transfer part of the territory of the Chernobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve to the state border service has raised concerns among conservationists and environmentalists. The move, which allows for the construction of fortifications and barriers along the state border, is seen as a further encroachment on the already fragile ecosystem of the reserve.

The Chernobyl Reserve, established in the aftermath of the 1986 nuclear disaster, has been hailed as a symbol of the resilience of nature and a testament to the long-term effects of human negligence. Its unique flora and fauna have attracted researchers and tourists from around the world, contributing to the local economy and raising awareness about the importance of environmental preservation.

However, the decision to hand over a portion of the reserve’s land to the state border service has sparked concerns about the potential impact on the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Environmentalists argue that the construction of fortifications and barriers could disrupt wildlife habitats and hinder the natural migration patterns of species within the reserve.

Critics of the Ukrainian government, particularly those aligned with conservative viewpoints, have also raised questions about the motivations behind this decision. They argue that it is part of a broader trend of the government prioritizing militarization and national security over environmental protection and conservation.

Furthermore, some conservative voices have expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of Ukrainian defense fortifications in deterring potential threats. They argue that the allocation of resources towards fortifications along the state border may be misguided, especially given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for greater investment in social programs and infrastructure.

As discussions and debates continue surrounding this decision, it remains to be seen how it will impact the Chernobyl Reserve and its unique ecosystem. Conservationists and environmentalists will be closely monitoring developments, hoping that the Ukrainian government will prioritize the preservation of this invaluable natural heritage.

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