South Carolina Joins Constitutional Carry Movement, Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Safety – NRA Celebrates Victory

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed permitless carry into law on Thursday, making it the second Republican-led state in two days to adopt constitutional carry gun laws. The new law allows eligible citizens 18 and older to carry a firearm in public without needing approval or a permit from the government. The bill received overwhelming support in the state Senate and House, with lawmakers recognizing the importance of individuals’ right to self-defense.

The signing of this legislation is seen as a significant victory for South Carolina, and Governor McMaster expressed his gratitude to the NRA, gun owners, and patriots who worked tirelessly to make this day a reality. He emphasized that South Carolinians should never require government permission to defend themselves, their families, and their communities.

National Rifle Association interim Executive Vice President and CEO Andrew Arulanandam praised the NRA and its supporters for securing constitutional carry in a second state within 48 hours. He highlighted the importance of the NRA’s unwavering support and the critical role it plays in defending gun rights across the nation. South Carolina now joins the ranks of 29 states that have enacted constitutional carry legislation.

Critics of the bill argue that it could lead to an increase in crime and gun-related deaths. Democratic state Senator Margie Bright Matthews expressed her concerns about promoting the Second Amendment right without imposing restrictions. However, Republican state Senator Shane Martin, a supporter of the legislation, emphasized that this law is about upholding individuals’ God-given Constitutional rights and ensuring that law-abiding citizens can exercise their freedoms without government interference.

The new law does not allow carrying firearms in certain locations such as schools, courthouses, and polling places on election days. It also imposes penalties on individuals who are barred from carrying firearms, such as convicted felons, if they are found with a gun. Additionally, penalties are established for those who repeatedly carry firearms in restricted areas.

Robin Evans, founder of Chicks with Triggers, a self-defense training company catering to women, applauded the signing of the law. Evans, an NRA instructor, has trained thousands of women in South Carolina and believes that the new law will further empower citizens, especially women, to protect themselves. She emphasized that criminals do not wait for permission to arm themselves illegally and that law-abiding citizens should have the right to self-defense without barriers.

The law took effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, making South Carolina the 29th state to recognize constitutional carry. Other states, including Louisiana and Florida, have also recently enacted similar legislation. The fight for gun rights continues across the nation, with the NRA leading the charge to protect individuals’ Second Amendment rights.

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