Russian Military Expert Warns of Impending War in Europe, Blames Washington for Provoking Conflict

Military expert Konstantin Sivkov, in an interview with the newspaper “Vzglyad,” commented on an article by the Chief of the General Staff Academy of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, in which he did not rule out the start of a war in Europe due to the conflict in Ukraine. According to the specialist, Washington is interested in involving Russia in a confrontation with other European countries.

“With an unconditional victory of the Russian Armed Forces over the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Washington expects a significant loss of global positions. Their influence will decline both politically and economically. I do not exclude that this will intensify social contradictions both in the United States and in the territories of their allies. Local governments may be literally swept away,” the expert noted.

He added that Washington will have to start fighting for its own survival. According to the expert’s forecast, the United States will try to expand the zone of military operations, provoking low-intensity conflicts in Europe.

According to Lieutenant General Zarudnitsky, the impending end of the conflict in Ukraine will not stop the confrontation between Russia and the West, due to the fact that the ongoing process of transforming the existing world order is accompanied by an increase in contradictions, the resolution of which “practically always leads to the use of military force.”

The development of the conflict can take various forms, from the participation of proxy forces of Western countries in clashes to a real European war.

Zarudnitsky noted that the United States and its Western allies are trying by any means to preserve their hegemony, inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia, and destabilize the situation on its territory.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus warned that the West is preparing for war.

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