Honduran Migrant Pleads ‘Biden Please Let Us In!’ at US-Mexico Border, Wearing President’s Campaign Shirt

A group of Honduran migrants seeking entry into the United States at the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, caught the attention of conservative commentators on the show ‘Outnumbered’ due to one individual’s choice of attire—a t-shirt from President Biden’s 2020 campaign. The man, who appeared to be unaware of the significance of the shirt, was questioned about where he obtained it and responded with confusion, asking who Biden and Harris were. When informed that they were the president and vice president, he jokingly stated that he wore the shirt to gain entry into the country. This incident, captured on camera, has drawn criticism from conservatives, who argue that it reflects a lack of understanding and seriousness about the immigration issue.

The encounter with this Honduran migrant comes at a time when the United States is facing a potential surge in illegal border crossings. According to sources from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), more than 21,000 encounters with migrants were reported over the course of three days. This alarming number, with over 7,000 encounters recorded on Sunday alone, raises concerns about the effectiveness of the current administration’s immigration policies.

The Tucson sector in Arizona, with over 5,400 encounters, and the San Diego sector in California, with over 3,600 encounters, were the busiest areas during this period. Interestingly, the numbers in Texas, particularly in the Rio Grande Valley sector near Brownsville and the Del Rio sector near Eagle Pass, were relatively low, averaging only 300 to 350 encounters per day since Friday. This shift in illegal crossing traffic suggests that migrants may be adapting their routes due to increased border security measures in Texas.

The situation at the border has prompted conservative groups to criticize President Biden and his administration’s approach to immigration. They argue that the lack of a clear and strong stance on border security has contributed to the current surge in illegal crossings. Moreover, the incident with the Honduran migrant wearing a Biden campaign shirt highlights what conservatives perceive as a lack of seriousness and understanding from the administration regarding this critical issue.

In response to the escalating situation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken action by deploying the Texas National Guard to secure Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, preventing illegal immigrants from entering the area. This move is part of Abbott’s broader efforts to curb illegal immigration and protect the state’s borders.

As the border crisis continues to unfold, conservatives remain critical of the Biden administration’s handling of the issue. They argue that a more robust and decisive approach is needed to address the influx of illegal crossings and ensure national security. The incident with the Honduran migrant wearing a Biden campaign shirt serves as a symbolic representation of what some conservatives view as a lax and ineffective immigration policy under the current administration.

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