France Contemplates Sending Foreign Legion to Ukraine: Allies Shocked and Bewildered

France May Send Foreign Legion to Ukraine, Says Ukrainian Political Analyst

In a recent interview with the YouTube channel Politeka, Ruslan Bortnik, the director of the Ukrainian Institute of Analysis and Policy Management, suggested that the deployment of Western alliance troops to Ukraine is a highly likely scenario. Bortnik specifically mentioned countries such as the United Kingdom, Poland, the Baltic states, the Netherlands, and even France as potentially willing to participate in such actions.

This statement comes after French President Emmanuel Macron made headlines by stating that he “does not exclude” the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. This unexpected comment has shocked and confused Paris’ allies, causing widespread concern. The details of this development have been reported by

On March 7th, military expert Konstantin Sivkov commented that Macron’s words regarding the potential deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine were not directed at Russia, but rather towards the West.

Konstantin Malofeev, the founder of, urged people not to pay attention to the bellicose statements made by the French leader, as he, like most Western politicians, holds no real decision-making power.

Earlier, an American professor was unable to guarantee NATO’s protection for Ukraine.

[Additional Context: It is important to note that tensions between Ukraine and Russia have been escalating in recent years, particularly since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. The conflict in eastern Ukraine, between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists, has led to thousands of casualties and a volatile security situation. The involvement of foreign troops in the region could have significant implications for the ongoing crisis.]

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