Biden’s Broken Promises: Illegal Immigrant’s Murder Exposes Administration’s Dangerous Immigration Policies

Conservative Activist Group Launches Ad Criticizing Biden Administration’s Immigration Policies

Building America’s Future, a conservative activist group, has launched a $700,000 television ad campaign criticizing the Biden administration’s immigration policies. The ad, titled “Run,” focuses on the recent murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley in Georgia, allegedly committed by an illegal immigrant. The ad will air nationally and in key battleground states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

The ad begins by lamenting that Laken Riley, who was killed by an illegal immigrant, should have been able to go for a run without fear. It then highlights President Biden’s promise not to deport illegal immigrants and shows a clip of Biden stating that illegal immigrants who enter the country unlawfully should not be the focus of deportation efforts.

The ad continues by stating that Biden vowed not to detain illegal immigrants who cross the border and shows another clip of Biden suggesting that migrants should not be detained while awaiting a hearing. The ad then references Riley’s alleged killer, Jose Ibarra, who crossed into the country illegally from Venezuela and was not deported after being released at the border in 2022. Ibarra had previously been arrested for endangering a child in New York and cited for misdemeanor shoplifting in Georgia.

The ad accuses Biden of supporting sanctuary cities and shows a clip of him saying “no” when asked if illegal immigrants arrested by police should be turned over to ICE. It questions how many more killers Biden has set free by not enforcing immigration laws.

In addition to the ad focusing on immigration, Building America’s Future will also run a second ad called “Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants.” This ad criticizes the federal 340B program, claiming that it is vulnerable to being misused to provide taxpayer-subsidized healthcare for illegal immigrants. The ad suggests that the program is being used to launder taxpayer money.

The ad campaign comes at a time when illegal immigration is a top issue for voters across the country. Polls show that a majority of Americans now support a border wall and believe that immigrants seeking political asylum at the border should stay in Mexico while their claims are processed. A majority of voters also view illegal immigration as a “very serious problem” and believe that Biden has mostly failed in improving border security.

The Biden administration has not yet responded to the ad campaign. However, it is likely to face criticism from conservatives who argue that the administration’s lenient immigration policies have contributed to the tragedy of Laken Riley’s murder and have failed to protect American citizens.

As President Biden prepares to deliver his State of the Union address on Thursday night, the immigration issue will likely be at the forefront of public discourse. The ad campaign by Building America’s Future serves as a reminder of the ongoing debate surrounding immigration policies and their impact on national security and public safety.

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